General / Routine Podiatry

First Time Visitors to our clinic will require an initial assessment appointment which will typically last around 45 minutes. You will be required to complete a new patient form which can be emailed to you prior to your appointment or filled in on the day. The podiatrist will discuss your general health and any medications you may currently be taking before conducting some neurological and vascular tests and assessing the overall health of your feet and lower limbs. At this point, the podiatrist will have a clear idea of the treatment required and can recommend a care plan going forward to maintain optimal foot health.
What Does it Include?
The remainder of your initial assessment will comprise what a standard appointment would be. A half-hour treatment includes nail cutting/filing down of problematic nails, and reduction of hard skin, corns and cracked heels in order to prevent heavy build-ups which cause pain and sometimes ulceration. Regular appointments at 6–8-week intervals are generally recommended to maintain happy, healthy feet. The regular treatment acts as a preventative measure to reduce the risk of injury and pain.
Can’t Come to us? No Problem!
We also offer routine podiatry appointments in your own home for those who are unable or find it difficult to attend the clinic. All aspects of the routine appointment can be carried out in a domestic setting to an equally high standard.
Excellent service, Danielle works wonders with my feet. I run 40 miles a week and she keeps them in good order.